Audience and reach
Numbers updated monthly. Last update: January 2025
Ideas to Power Your Future — the No-BS Marketing Newsletter
- 3800+ subscribers, growing at ±200/month
- 40% average open rate
- 3.2% average click rate
- Expect 38-60 clicks per campaign
- 300 visits to the online version/year
Audience demographics
- 52% solopreneurs, 21% founders, 10% freelancers, 10% employees, 5% content creators
- Aged: 30-50 with outliers in the 20-30 and 50-70 segments.
- Top locations: US & Canada (56%), Europe (33%), Asia (5%), South America (5%), others (1%)
- Ads they’d like to see (in order of preference): courses, programs, digital downloads, other newsletters, SaaS solutions for marketing and business management, services (copywriting, web design, social media management), AI tools.
- One placement in the Ideas to Power Your Future newsletter, neat the top of the issue.
- A single ad per issue — YOURS!
- My newsletter goes out every Thursday at 7:30am EST
- The ad and your link stay live forever, as I publish them on my blog section. Expect an additional 300+ visits to each issue per year.
- One social media dedicated post — we’ll work on it together!
- Full results report ±1 week after the ad goes live.
Reserve your spot below
PSA: If you grab a 3 ads package you get a discount and lock this price in even if my audience numbers and rates go up.
- 1 x ad in an upcoming issue of Ideas to Power Your Future
- Report 10 days after the issue goes live
Ad 3-pack
- 3 x ads in upcoming issues — space them any way you want (subject to availability)
- Report 10 days after each issue goes live
Save 15%
Newsletter &
Social Media Ad
- 1 x ad on an upcoming issue of Ideas to Power Your Future
- 1 x ad on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter/X, Threads)
- Report 10 days after the issue goes live
Newsletter &
Social Media Ad 3-pack
- 3 x ads on an upcoming issue of Ideas to Power Your Future
- 3 x ads on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter/X, Threads)
- Report 0 days after each issue goes live
Save 15%
Ad creative requirements and recommendations
- For newsletter placements, the ad copy should be no longer than 70 words, headline and CTA included.
- Ad copy is due 3 days before the newsletter goes out.
- Your copy will be edited to match my voice and improve your click rate.
- We’ll work on the social media ad copy together.
Best-performing ads include a lead magnet or downloadable materials and do not skip straight to the sale.