If your business has any online component, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself this question — we all have. And, honestly, we’re all still trying to reconcile the data, the best practices, our own rhythm, and that pesky FOMO that keeps nudging us to post MORE.

Should you, though?

Not always.

We’ll unpack everything after a quick message from today’s partner — a resource I highly recommend, especially if you feel overwhelmed right now (by your content calendar, among other things).

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​Performance Atelier​

What if the hustle is exactly what’s holding you back?

When things get busy, our knee-jerk reaction is to push harder — but more often than not, that leads straight to burnout, not the breakthroughs we’re after.

Enter slow performance — a concept I learned from Vanessa Törnblom and haven’t stopped thinking about since. It’s all about doing less, but with intention, clarity, and focus.

Never heard of it? You’re in for a treat.

Vanessa wrapped up the essentials in a free resource called The Nordic Reset: A 7-Day Blueprint to Recharge, Refocus, and Perform. Inside, you’ll find 7 powerful ideas that’ll help you ditch the grind and take meaningful, sustainable action — so you can show up fully for your business and yourself.

Burnout? Not in this climate. Welcome to a slower, saner, Nordic-inspired way of working.

Grab your free guide!

Want your name up here? Grab a slot before the prices go up!

(Prices go up in April!)

Speaking of slowing down with intention, I’m not “everywhere” online — and I don’t try to be.

This newsletter is my main platform, my weekly non-negotiable. It goes out come rain, shine, or global meltdown. I treat it like a standing date with you (minus the awkward small talk).

Beyond that, I try to post once a day on LinkedIn, X, and Threads. Sometimes less.

And yes, I skip days. Sometimes because I need a break. Sometimes because my business needs a break — from my voice, my content, and my face.

Believe it or not, it’s breaks that bring quality, not being ON all the time.

That’s what works for me.

But let’s be clear: this isn’t the one true posting frequency. It’s just mine. You might need more. Or less. Or different.

So let’s talk about what you need.

📊 What does the data say?

Here’s what HubSpot found in their ​Social Media Report​:

  • Facebook: multiple times a day (both B2B and B2C brands)
  • X: multiple times a day (both B2B and B2C)
  • Instagram: multiple times a day (B2B) or a week (B2C) — I found this one surprising; I expected B2C brands to be more active.
  • LinkedIn: multiple times a week (B2B) or a month (B2C)
  • TikTok: multiple times a day (B2B), once a day (B2C) — B2Bers seem to be spoilt for time.

I don’t know about you but I get FOMO just by reading this. I ​repurpose​ a lot of my content and I still feel like distribution eats up so much time.

To add insult to injury, it looks like only 29% of content marketers say their content is “very” or “extremely” successful.

​Image source​

That leaves over 70% who either have unrealistic expectations or don’t mind screaming into the void — multiple times a day on multiple platforms.

​This HubSpot article​ also gives you ideal posting times but it’s even more overwhelming.

The trouble with this kind of data is that it’s usually made for “traditional” companies that have a full marketing department and at least two people whose only job is social media.

If you’re a solo founder or running a small business, there’s no way in hell you can do all this and live to tell the tale.

(No, not even with AI!)

🤖 But wait — what about algorithms?

Ah, yes, the almighty algorithm. The invisible deity to whom we sacrifice our time, creativity, and sanity.

Here’s the thing: algorithms are content-gobbling monsters. They don’t care about your goals. They only care that you feed them. Constantly.

You can play that game. But before you do, ask yourself: is the content I’m creating aligned with my business goals — or am I just feeding the beast?

Sure, the beast gets fatter and happier — but does your bank account get fatter? (OK, I’ll stop with this analogy.)

Do keep in mind that every platform you’re on also requires some engagement, not just posting and ghosting. We’ve all seen the gurus tell you to leave at least 50 comments a day.

I mean, it works — but is it sustainable? Nope!

It’s also not strategic. If all your engagement is derived from people who reciprocate, you don’t have a business, you have an echo chamber.

Quick intermezzo: that’s why I’m betting on newsletters, not social media, to be the growth engine of my business. Beyond the time constraints, I also love the fact that there’s no algorithm between me and you — it’s a direct relationship.

Join me for Inbox to Income and I’ll tell you how to build a system without selling your soul to social media darklords.

Let’s do better.

🧠 A baseline you can actually use

If you’re trying to build your own rhythm and need a jumping-off point, here’s a cheat sheet — not carved in stone, just a starting point. Test, tweak, and iterate as much as you want.

🧪 So… how often should you post?

I don’t have a clear answer for you — no one does. There’s no hard rule, no law, because every business is different and the damn algos change far too often for actual rules.

There is one rule of thumb, though: as often as you can create content that supports your growth engine.

  • If your main engine is email, protect that newsletter with your life.
  • If it’s search, commit to high-quality blog posts.
  • If it’s social, pick your primary platform and show up there on purpose, not just out of fear.

Everything else? It plays a support role.

Your job isn’t to publish content just for the sake of it — it’s to publish content that moves the needle. That builds trust. That brings in leads. That makes people go: “damn, I needed that.

Algorithms will always want more.

But your job is to feed the business, not the algorithm.

✋ Limitations

I have yet to see a business that suffers from posting too much (provided that you don’t post crap just to meet a quota, of course). ​More is more​ — quantity- and quality-wise.

As always, balance is key — but also tricky to strike. You don’t need to copy a Fortune 500 company’s content calendar.

But you need to experiment with being on as many platforms as possible without sacrificing quality and, more importantly, your sanity.

Try this next week

Ask yourself:

  • What’s my primary growth engine right now?
  • Am I showing up there with consistency and clarity?
  • Where am I posting just because I feel like I should?
  • Is there one channel I could cut without losing momentum?

Then experiment. Adjust. Let your business — not a content calendar template — dictate your rhythm.